In this Preshow Rituals segment, the hard rock band, Angels Cut, reveals what they do before taking the stage. You can check out the feature, after the break.

In this Preshow Rituals segment, the hard rock band, Angels Cut, reveals what they do before taking the stage. You can check out the feature, after the break.
Mike: We all have different rituals before we play, but a shot of Jameson seems to get us in the right state of mind. If there’s time, which usually there’s not, I change strings and warm up a bit.
Aaron: My pre-show ritual is to stand in the corner and wonder what the hell I’ve gotten myself into.
Utah: yeah, I’m usually running around in a panic looking for my gear… It seems like a lot of the green rooms we hang out in before shows are covered with pictures and memorabilia of all the other bands that have played at that venue. Before we go on I like to check them all out. Kind of like gives them some praise and kinship. It pumps you up too. It’s like holy shit, Pantera played here. Or Johnny Cash played here. Or Operation Ivy or whatever. Okay, we gotta bring it. Do our best to honor all those great bands.
Steph: I guess about 45 minutes before the show I disappear into the bus, have a little stretch, drink a hot beverage, warm up to Etta James or Patsy Cline usually, and I’m good to go. Meet the guys back in the green room. I don’t know if it’s a ritual, but we kind of have an unspoken agreement to keep it light. The sense of humor backstage keeps us loose.
Mike: then we all huddle up, give each other some love and go for it.
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