Angels Cut – TOUR PRANKS
In this Tour Pranks segment, the hard rock band, Angels Cut, shares some pranks that have happened on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.

In this Tour Pranks segment, the hard rock band, Angels Cut, shares some pranks that have happened on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.
Utah: We played an accidental prank on our manager, Ole. We stopped in Tacoma in the dead of the night for gas at one of those old school stations with no overhang. It was a creepy joint. All desolate and murder. Complete with the B-movie serial killer looking clerk. Like, don’t look in the dumpster behind the place. And it was Tacoma, so it was raining. Hard. No one knew Ole had gotten out to pee. He slipped out while we were pumping gas. We all hop in the van, thanking God that we escaped without becoming lampshades, and then went to sleep. We were in Portland by the time anyone checked their phone to see a billion texts from our disgruntled and waterlogged handler. Then the texts just stopped which seemed like a bad omen. It took like 4 hours to get back to the gas station because of the wet roads. We show up and Oles nowhere to be seen. We circled the place, yelling his name out. Every one of us is now getting freaked, positive he’s been abducted by creepers or something. Finally, he pops out of the bushes on the other side of the road like bigfoot, runs and jumps into the van sopping wet and wide-eyed. He was so freaked out by the lurky clerk that he hid in the bushes in the rain for four hours texting until his battery ran out. Sweet prank guys!
Steph: The Moonshine Bandits got me at the last show a couple days ago, the bastards. It was like two in the morning and I’m pretty beat after loading. I open the van door and they all pop out like a redneck jack in the box, blasting a bullhorn and cackling like ten-year-olds. Scared the living shit out me. Watch your backs guys, I got some tricks up my sleeve too… we still have eight shows left..
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