In this Preshow Rituals segment, the pop rock band, Drayter, share what they do before every show. You can check out their rituals, after the break.

In this Preshow Rituals segment, the pop rock band, Drayter, share what they do before every show. You can check out their rituals, after the break.
Liv Miner:
I love all aspects of being a musician, but performing is what I live for. I want to be fully prepared for our fans, so my pre-game rituals are pretty regimented.
My absolute musts are rest, tons of water, and vocal warm-ups. After that it’s all about getting hyped, feeling and looking good! I usually get my hair and makeup done for shows and choose my outfits in advance. This totally lowers my stress level. I make sure I know if it’s going to be hot or cold, and in a big city or small town, so my wardrobe is appropriate. I like to know my audience and environment so I can make good choices. I like to arrive mentally prepared, warm up my voice, and hit it. I always carry “Musician’s Friend” throat spray and packets of honey I mix with hot tea. Oh, and I never forget my ‘ever-so-funny’ vocal exercises. Being 100% confident is extremely important, and as long as I’m prepared and my voice is ready then I know I’m good to go. Fronting a band means my voice is going to be carrying the set from start to finish, so most of my pre-show rituals are vocally focused. I also make sure my guitar and equipment are good to go. I like fairly new strings that are a little broken-in. Backstage I like to listen to music that gets me in the mood… Steve Aoki, Yelawolf, and Eminem or whatever else I’m feeling in the moment.
Right before the show starts I connect with my band in a huddle. We say weird, funny stuff to laugh and remind ourselves to have a good time! I actually remember the first huddle we had; someone said something like “kaka kunaka!” Hahaha! Sometimes a good laugh is better than words of encouragement. Finally, I say a prayer and steady my breathing.
When the curtain goes up, I’m ready to kill the set!
Cole Schwartz:
Ever since I was 12 years old, all I ever wanted to do was run around the stage and perform. The more shows I played, I realized that being physically fit was a must. So I began setting physical and nutritional goals like an athlete. Performing at the high-intensity level that we do is like playing a sport. I try to eat healthy and workout daily to stay fit.
About a day before a show, I stretch out my guitar strings and get it shined up. Day of, I get a good workout because it gets me in the mindset to perform and keeps me pumped. About two hours before sound check I eat my last meal and try to take a nap. After sound check, I start drinking tons of water and I eat a protein bar or shake. Ever since I played my first show my dad and I do a fist bump and say, ‘Let’s do this!’ It always calmed me down and turned on my ‘It’s time to get in the performance’ mindset. Dad doesn’t make it to every show now, but we still do our pre-show tradition via text. After the fuzzy dad stuff, I start warming up my hands by playing along to Slipknot, Slayer, The Devil Wears Prada, As I Lay Dying and Chelsea Grin. This gets my hands and fingers super warmed-up and gets my mind and body ready for the show. Twenty minutes before the first note, I do push-ups and stretch my legs. Lights up, I’m ready.
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