Essence – TOUR TIPS
This new set of Tour Tips was written by the metal band, Essence. You can check out their tips for being on the road, after the break.

This new set of Tour Tips was written by the metal band, Essence. You can check out their tips for being on the road, after the break.
1) Bring spare parts. You never know when something breaks, and sometimes it’s hard to find a spare part. Once I broke one of the screws in my Floyd Rose while changing strings and we couldn’t find a spare part for the rest of the tour. That sucks!
2) Binge watching. When you’re on the road you spend a lot of time waiting and doing nothing. That can get really boring, so you can kill some of the time by bringing a show that you and the guys can watch.
3) Sleep. This is maybe the most important tip. Touring is hard and, therefore, it’s important that you get enough sleep, so you can perform at your best each night. Of course, you are allowed to party and have fun, but just don’t do it every night. You’ll end up like a total zombie and don’t have the energy to put on an awesome show.
4) Be polite. This applies to both the people you’re touring with and the staff at the venue. Everything runs more smoothly if you help each other out and the staff at the venue will definitely see to any of your concerns (within limits of course) as long as you ask them nicely. So bring your biggest smile haha.
5) See the world. Okay, maybe that’s a bit over the top. But try to Google the cities you’re going to visit and see if there’s any place worth going. It can get incredibly boring to sit around and wait backstage, so try to get out of the venue once in a while. And if you have an off day, be sure that you get out of the tour bus and do something fun. You’ll get a little break and recharge your batteries, so you’re ready to kill on stage again.
Keep up with Essence on Twitter and Facebook!
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