Eva Plays Dead – TOUR PRANKS
In this Tour Pranks segment, the rock band, Eva Plays Dead, shares a prank from the road. You can read their story, after the break.

In this Tour Pranks segment, the rock band, Eva Plays Dead, shares a prank from the road. You can read their story, after the break.
One springs to mind – We went to Glasgow to play a one-day festival about two years ago and all the bands involved stayed in the same hotel, which was a mistake in itself. We got to know the bands as the day went on and as the night went on the drinking escalated as usual, drinking in the venue and then out in a club called ‘Cathouse’ until it closed. So 3am-ish we headed back to the hotel, looking to have the few last drinks in the hotel bar. Whilst speaking to a member of another band, he explained to us how his drummer is the world’s most naturally paranoid person. This person had been in bed all night skipping the night out to get some sleep for the drive home the next day. This was when we realised Seb (drummer) was dressed distinctly like an undercover cop, with black jeans and a black leather jacket zipped all the way up. So of course the idea arose to use his look to our advantage, to do a full drugs raid on this other band’s drummer’s room with Seb in character as an undercover policeman. We went up to his room, phone cameras on record.
He banged on the door saying, “Sir, please open the door, this is the police” then again but louder “OPEN THE DOOR. THIS IS THE POLICE.” Upon answering the door in a sleepy haze wearing nothing but his boxers, we informed him that we’d had reports of drug use and suspicious activities from persons within the room, to which he looked shocked and scared, all at the same time. Seb entered the room under the disguise of police and began what may well be the worst drug raid of all time.
After 10 minutes of searching inside the kettle and his shoes, through all his luggage and the whole bathroom for illegal drugs and his repeated claims that this is all a big misunderstanding. After obviously not finding anything, Seb gave the poor guy some stern words about drugs, I think the words ‘I’ll be back.’ Were said at some point. Somehow, throughout the entire situation, he didn’t pick up on the fact that we were utterly hammered, so chances were he probably was pretty high.