3 By Design – DREAM TOUR

In this Dream Tour segment, the rock band, 3 By Design, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.

3 By Design – DREAM TOUR

In this Dream Tour segment, the rock band, 3 By Design, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.

When it comes to what would make a “Dream Tour”, we think of it in terms of who inspires us; who would be amazing to watch night after night, and who we can learn from when it comes to connecting with an audience, and connect with the artist within themselves, for years to come. With that criteria in mind, here are a couple of bands that would make up our dream tour.

Rush – What else can you say about a band that has been together for about 40 years, consistently pushed themselves in creativity and musicianship, built one of the most diehard fan bases in existence, and also have that same audience be as excited about their new music, all these years later, as they were for past albums? Oh and also they’re in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. And through it all, they remained true to their art. Not sure you can find better inspiration than that.

Korn – Few bands can energize a crowd like this band has consistently done over the past couple of decades. Pillars of a genre and legends in their own right; they would be great to watch live night after night.
And playing with them, you wouldn’t be able to help getting better as a band and learning so much.

Metallica – Undeniably one of the greatest bands to have ever existed. Their body of work is second to none. And they are just as unbelievably great live as they were 30 years ago. It would be an honor to open for them.

We strive to give the best performances, both recorded and especially live on stage, and one day hope we have other bands look at us much like we look at the bands mentioned before. We hope you’ll join us when we come through your town. We’d love to see you there.

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