In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the indie band, 5j Barrow, talk about some of their crazy moments from touring.

In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the indie band, 5j Barrow, talk about some of their crazy moments from touring. You can check out the feature, after the break.
Our craziest story yet is I think the one we’re currently in the middle of. We (Eryn and I) moved out of New York City at the beginning of August to truly commit to this dream. Our goal is to travel as far and wide as we can, playing for as many people as we can, wherever we can, whether that be in a club, cafe, bar, living room, park, or street corner. So far, we’ve met and played for a bunch of really kind-hearted folks, many of whom have really connected with our music and performance. We also met some very colorful people, as is expected on an adventure like this, but it’s all been a part of the journey.
One of our favorite stops so far has been Burlington, VT. From the moment we pulled in, we were struck with how supportive the community is of music. We strolled over to Church Street Market and realized as soon as we walked in how great of a busking opportunity we had in front of us. This was “move in” weekend for a lot of the local college students, so the whole area was buzzing with families and young people taking in the town. We didn’t know what their particular rules were for street performing, so we tracked down a busker and asked. She said, “Oh yeah you need a permit, but no problem, just head on down a block or two to the Market Offices and they’ll get you set up”. So walked on over and up, and sure enough, they were so kind and hooked us up with a “traveling through” permit. “Now go and make some money”!
Oh and one last thing. On top of all this constant travel, booking, and performing, Eryn and I have also been planning our WEDDING! It’s definitely a crazy journey we’re on, but we wouldn’t have it any other way.
Keep up with the band on Facebook and Instagram!
(Photo credit: Isaac James)