Ionia – 6th ROAD BLOG from “Wintour 2013” with Saint Diablo
Ionia is currently on a headlining tour with Saint Diablo called the “Wintour 2013”. While they are out on this tour, they will be writing an exclusive Road Blog for us. You can read their sixth and last update after…

Ionia is currently on a headlining tour with Saint Diablo called the “Wintour 2013”. While they are out on this tour, they will be writing an exclusive Road Blog for us. You can read their sixth and last update after the break.
And so you roll back in to your town and say goodby to your friends for now. And a sadness sweeps across you. Although it is a relief to be home, to be able to shower when you please, to not have to put up with the daily grind of your brothers fucking with you and doing load outs and breaking downs every night. But when you return to your house and things are quiet and you have more then six by ten feet of space and you don’t have to share it with 5 other people. Things feel smaller, empty, you start to come down off a Euphoria, your sense of purpose has been put to bed, you felt as though on the road, although you were dirty underfed, sleep deprived, and cold all the time, you had more direction then you ever have when you were home. So here I am again, a civilian, a toy with batteries that have run dry. So after I crash and get depressed for a couple days we will return to the rehearsal space and start working on new music. We will go back to recording and finish some more tracks and we will start planing the next tour across the badlands of America, and everywhere north and south that we can get to. We will embark on more adventures and make more music. This is what we do, it’s in us now forever. We will go out there and find ways to fill the emptiness, the sadness of everyday life without purpose. The road gives us our desire for more. It’s not for everyone, but it’s who we are. See you next time. My gratitude to the asphalt, Ionia.