In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the indie pop band, 90’S KIDS, shares one of their stories from being on the road.

In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the indie pop band, 90’S KIDS, shares one of their stories from being on the road. You can check out the story, after the break.
Our summer tour was 90’S KIDS’ first tour, and one big thing about our band is we’ve got some paranoid dudes. At literally every turn, one of us is worried something’s gonna go wrong. It’s basically a given.
So we pull up to this Airbnb in Indianapolis after the 1st show of the trip and everything looks cool. We get in the apartment and this dude has the cutest and nicest cats in the entire world, everybody’s pumped and morale is super high at this point.
Everything was cool until this cat ate one of our Doritos off the table. Robby goes “is that cool? can cats have Doritos?” Not 10 seconds later, this cat goes cross-eyed and starts acting like he’s having a reaction. At this point everyone is freaking out, like, is this cat going to die? At one point somebody literally was convinced we needed to do CPR on a house cat.
Right before it came to that, the little guy just stops and lays back down. 30 seconds of panic and then he’s just back to chillin. We totally thought we killed this poor cat with a Dorito, but all was well. No cats were harmed in the making of the first 90’S KIDS tour.