This crazy story from the road was written by the rock band, A Wasted Effort. You can check out their story, after the break.


This crazy story from the road was written by the rock band, A Wasted Effort. You can check out their story, after the break.

One of the craziest things to take place on tour has to be when our tour vehicle caught fire. Back in 2012, we were playing a show in Westside, IA and had just finished our set. After loading all our stuff in our bassist’s truck, we jumped into Jared’s car for a quick band meeting. Man, we had all four band members plus our #1 roadie, Murph, packed in this 2001 Buick Regal. As everyones talking about the show, the engine was on and apparently had decided to spontaneously combust. While everyone else bailed out to handle the fire, Murph was the only one thinking clearly at the time and ran back in an attempt to salvage our alcohol from the flames. Come to think of it, he probably saved the car from burning to the ground with all the alcohol we had for the night. We were able to find bottles of water in the car so we dumped those on the engine until the flames subsided. We thought we were stranded but somehow the car started right up and took us straight to Burger King!

As crazy as it is, that wasn’t the last time our tour vehicle caught fire. In fact, that was the pre-lims compared to what happened the second time.. A few months later, we traded in the what was left of the Buick and received a whopping 200 bucks. After deciding on a new vehicle, we took off on our TKM Tour in our new baby, a 2005 Yukon XL. It was a beast compared to what we had and felt like a well-deserved upgrade.

Unfortunately that was short lived though, seeing as Jared left his wireless unit in the truck which ending up shorting out and catching the futon on fire over night. Roasted the entire vehicle to a crisp. Thank god for insurance. We we’re able to get most of the equipment replaced that time, and ended up with a 2002 Yukon Denali XL.. somehow upgrading once again. Hopefully in our case the third time will be the charm.. I guess there’s some advice for ya, too. Always have full coverage on your vehicle and in times of panic, think logically. Save the alcohol!

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