Adam Tyler – TOUR TIPS
This new set of Tour Tips was written by pop artist, Adam Tyler. You can check out his tips for being on the road, after the break.

This new set of Tour Tips was written by pop artist, Adam Tyler. You can check out his tips for being on the road, after the break.
1. Think of really good car/bus games that you can play on the road. It’ll pass the time a lot quicker between venues. A couple of the games that we played was the musical version of the alphabet game. Because we’re such music nerds it would last for hours.
2. Try and be as healthy as possible, and try to sleep as much as possible. You’re going to have to last for the whole tour so getting sick in the first week is not acceptable! Having a box of Emergen-C on hand definitely helps though if you are starting to feel a little ill. I’m big on smoothies so if there’s a Jamba Juice anywhere close to a venue I need to take advantage of it!
3. Talk with fans after the shows. It’s imperative to build relationships with the people that are supporting you. In Pensacola one girl was saying how she’d never heard me before but then I just started singing and she couldn’t believe I was really singing. Another girl kept hugging and kissing me and talking about how she wished she could be the girl in my video, “Friction.” It was cute.
4. Always have a big stock of water everywhere you go. It’s good to have back up just in case you get dry throat, need to take a quick shower and don’t have access to one, or need to water your tour chia pet.
5. Don’t miss sound check. You won’t know how different venues are set up and what the mic situation sounds like, and even though it’s possible to do a show without knowing what it’ll sound like before hand, it’s better to not be in the dark about it before you go on stage. Also, be nice to the sound guy and introduce yourself, because your set will pretty much be in his hands!
Keep up with Adam Tyler on Twitter and Facebook!
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