After Romeo – DREAM TOUR
In this Dream Tour segment, the pop band, After Romeo, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup.

In this Dream Tour segment, the pop band, After Romeo, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.
Although we’re best friends, we’re like a four-headed monster on everything from musical tastes, foods we like, movies, etc. It’s important that all of us are represented so we take pieces, mesh them together in a blender, and come out with something we can be proud of from music to creative direction. We think the most appropriate way to talk about a dream tour collaboration is to go through each member’s personal preference.
Blake – My dream tour collaboration would definitely be with The Killers. Their songs, heir production quality – everything is so on point! With influences of Bowie and Springsteen, It would be an absolute dream to get to tour with them.
Jayk – I just recently went to The Weeknd’s concert in Vegas and I was blown away. He is such a genuine artist…something that we as a group strive to be and I think it would be a great fit for us.
TC – My dream collaboration is between two, unless we can have two artists to collab with, in that case, I would pick Chris Brown and Panic! At the Disco. How cool would that be to have a dancing pop group like us mixed with Chris Brown and then with Panic! At the Disco?!?! That’s a dream come true right there.
Drew – I would love to tour with Shawn Mendes. He’s extremely talented and I respect him so much as an artist.