In this First Concert Ever segment, the pop artist Alex Aris, talks about his first concert ever.


In this First Concert Ever segment, the pop artist Alex Aris, talks about his first concert ever. You can check out the feature, after the break.

The first concert I went to was Lykke Li at Kägelbanan in Stockholm, Sweden. I hade been to other concerts earlier in my life but none that left a quite of an impression like this.
The show was part of Lykke Li’s breakout tour Youth Novels and I had thoroughly listened to every single track on the album at least a hundred times. Both alone and with my friends. I remember being really excited and curious to see her because she was a force that came out of nowhere onto the Swedish music scene. But I didn’t stay wondering for long, she’s one of those artists that just belongs on a stage and every song felt more special than the other. I remember the lights, the band, the flashes, the people and the songs all pulsating together but when she performed her remix of Kings of Leon’s ”Knocked Up” I was floored. It was so incredible and I never wanted it to end.
I’ve always been an artist and this show sort of cemented that fact. The whole concert experience truly inspired me to take the full plunge into music. I had started writing at the time but not yet developed the confidence to follow my dreams. This moment, as a part of many moments during that time, truly nudged me to find my voice and I am forever grateful.

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