alltheprettythings - CRAZY TOUR STORIES

Join us as alltheprettythings tells you one of their crazy tour stories.

alltheprettythings - CRAZY TOUR STORIES

In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, Worth Weaver, from the alternative band, alltheprettythings, shares one of their stories from being on the road. You can check out the story below:

As a touring musician of over 20 years, I’ve seen and experienced quite a bit on the road. Selecting a specific story was tough…but here we go!

Rewinding to 2007, I was on guitar duty for He Is Legend on the “Peanut Butt Tour” with Maylene and the Sons of Disaster, House of Fools, Modern Life is War, and Paulson. We were a rowdy bunch of dudes who had a great time during the 2-month-long tour, and one story sticks out in particular.

Modern Life is War were the bad boys on the tour to a certain extent, and their punk rock attitude matched their disheveled look and abrasive musical style perfectly. They were the nicest of guys but did enjoy mischief on occasion. The tour package was rolling through MLIW’s home state of Iowa in the last week of the run, and the guys in the band decided to stop at their friend’s ostrich farm before the show. Yes, an ostrich farm.

Slight tensions were brewing between the Maylene guys and MLIW throughout the tour, and in their own punk rock way, they decided to leave a lasting impression and parting gift for Maylene.

While Maylene was loading in for soundcheck at the last show date, the MLIW guys infiltrated Maylene’s van and left a severed ostrich leg in one of Maylene’s bunks.

Once Maylene discovered their parting gift, things got intense and rather hilarious. MLIW initially denied the act when approached by the Maylene guys, but after the show, as MLIW was leaving, they screamed at the entire tour package gathered in the parking lot, “It was us!!!!”

There were certainly more laughs than jeers, and Maylene took it much better than I would have, considering the circumstances.

I still have an ongoing joke with the guys from the tour I stay in touch with about the ostrich leg and will certainly never forget this hilarious bookend to one of the most memorable tours I’ve had the pleasure to be a part of.

Keep up with alltheprettythings on their website, Facebook, and Instagram.