In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the alternative band, AMISTAD, talk about some of their crazy moments from touring.

In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the alternative band, AMISTAD, talk about some of their crazy moments from touring. You can check out the feature, after the break.
We were in Vancouver, BC for a writing/recording session with Chin Injeti in September of 2016. Locking yourself in a basement all day makes you really hungry, and after we finished the first day we headed out to find dinner with sushi in mind. It was actually incredibly harder than we expected to find a sushi restaurant, but after an expedition through East Van in the rain we finally found one. It was pretty much underground and was completely empty except for a group of people all wearing neon wigs. They were screaming, singing, jumping and we couldn’t hear anything else.
Eli: While everyone was ordering their food I went to the washroom. There were a bunch of the neon wig people in there and they were all trying to get those little green edamame beans that come as appetizers out of their nose. They were all talking and it seemed that they’d been playing some game that involved seeing how many beans they could all fit in their nose.
There was one waitress serving everybody in the restaurant, and she was very quiet the whole time we were eating. Suddenly as we were paying and starting to leave, she started dancing and yelling with the Neon Wig Party People, yelling impressively loud. When she was handing over the final receipt to us she was like “I FEEL LIKE YELLING DO YOU WANT TO YELL WITH ME”. That was a yes from us. After yelling together for a good 5 minutes we took a photo together, when the flash went off she yelled more: “JEFF HAS BLINDED ME, JEFF HAS BLINDED ME” and then we said our goodbyes and she returned to normal speaking volume.
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(Photo credit: Jeff Bassett)