Another Hero Dies – TOUR TIPS

This set of Tour Tips is written by melodic/hardcore band, Another Hero Dies. You can check them out after the break!

Another Hero Dies – TOUR TIPS

This set of Tour Tips is written by melodic/hardcore band, Another Hero Dies. You can check them out after the break!

1. Don’t party too hard after your shows, 9 times out of 10 you have a long drive ahead of you.
2. Make sure you have something to pee in, in your van while on the road, you don’t always have time to stop and take a leak!
3. Always hope for the best, and prepare for the worst. You never know when you may break down or get a flat tire. Be prepared!
4. Sling that merch! Make deals when you can, do anything to get your music/merchandise out there while on tour, plus it helps with gas money and other ‘on the road’ expenses.
5. DEODORANT AND COLOGNE. Don’t think you get to shower every night. Bring face wash and shampoo if you need to take a sink shower.
6. Bringing plenty of extra strings/picks/drum sticks/guitar cables/ even an extra guitar doesnt hurt, you dont want to be stuck without your main thing!
7. Good attitude, when you are with the same people almost every minute of your day dont forget to relax and realize you are all in it together! Arguing never helps any situation.
8. Be punctual, you don’t want to show up late to a show and end up not being able to play and having to move on to the next one, plan ahead and know where you are going!
9. Vocalists, learn to care for your voice and do proper warm ups and techniques so that you dont come out with a bang and go out with a fizzle at the end of the tour.
10. Have fun. Live it up!

Keep up with the band on Facebook and Twitter!

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