Anton Kellner and the Lone Stars – TOUR TIPS

This new set of Tour Tips was written by the indie band, Anton Kellner and the Lone Stars. You can check out the tips, after the break.

Anton Kellner and the Lone Stars – TOUR TIPS

This new set of Tour Tips was written by the indie band, Anton Kellner and the Lone Stars. You can check out the tips, after the break.

1. travel light. I made that mistake while touring, and regretted it very much so. For a few tours, I brought a giant suitcase filled with my life, thinking that I would need everything in it (for whatever day necessary). Turned out, most of the items either got lost, or ruined. Not only that, but it filled up a bunch of space in the trailer closet (which could make your other mates very unhappy).

2. Budget wisely. This rule doesn’t apply to everyone. It would really depend on how much per diems you would make each night. I remember making like five bucks a night, and blowing it all on dumb things, like sodas or expensive beverages. When it came down to eating a hot meal, I was left in the cold.

3. Hydrate. It’s very easy to get sick on tour (very hard to live a healthy lifestyle). One of the essential things you will need is about a gallon of water a day. You will be driving into many different weather systems, and new terrains. On top of that, you will be sweating your ass off every night and losing water. ALWAYS bring water.

4. Stay off your cell phone. Your mates appreciate it when you are present for hangouts. Don’t be “that guy” and wander off on your phone before/after each show!

5. Do whatever it takes to make your fans happy. I mean ANYTHING. If it means breakdancing, while wearing Mickey Mouse ears, and doing vocals…DO IT. No excuses!

Keep up with Anton Kellner and the Lone Stars on Facebook and Twitter!