Ásgeir – TOUR TIPS

In this Tour Tips segment, the indie rock artist, Ásgeir, recommends advice for being a musician on the road.


In this Tour Tips segment, the indie rock artist, Ásgeir, recommends advice for being a musician on the road. You can check out the tips, after the break.

I always try to get some exercise done wherever I am. When the bus stops in whichever town you’re in, go on maps and find a gym or go out running. It’s very refreshing starting the day like that and keeps your energy levels up throughout the day. Also, drink enough water.
Alone time
It’s good to take some time for yourself every once in a while so you don’t get sick of everyone and vice versa. You don’t always have to do the same things together although you’re in a group. Do what you want when you have some time off.
A good tip is to always take all the food that is left from the backstage into the bus before leaving, that way you won’t have to spend as much money on food and drink for the bus. There’s usually more than enough left backstage of fruit, bread, water and drinks from the rider.
Try to surround yourself with people that you are comfortable around. You’ll be spending a lot of time just hanging around with these people so it’s important that you connect with them. Some of them are probably going to get on your nerves at some point, but try not to spend to much time thinking about their cons and instead focus on their pros.
Very important to get a good night’s sleep to have as much energy as you can for the shows. It can be uncomfortable to sleep on a moving bus because of the noise and shaking but you get used to it very quickly. Some people actually like it a lot because it’s like being rocked to sleep.
You never know when you can take your clothes to the laundry, so I would recommend taking as much of socks and underwear as you can at least. It’s not fun when you run out of clean clothes to wear. But normally we stay at hotels every now and then and you can usually clean your clothes there.

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