In this Dream Tour segment, the rock artist, AViVA, lets you know who she would like on her ultimate tour lineup.


In this Dream Tour segment, the rock artist, AViVA, lets you know who she would like on her ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.

My dream tour wouldn’t be a tour as much as a tear-stained psychotic episode across many days ending in a blurry haze of euphoric misery. It would be a musical catharsis healing the world through the power of sound and motion.
Night one would open with The Smiths circa 1886’s starting their set with ‘Cemetary Gates’ and ending it all in black tears with ‘I know it’s over’. Next, up Lana Del Rey would waltz on stage through a thick fog ready to Ultraviolence her way through a collage of my favorites ensuring ‘Serial Killer’ and ‘Cola’ feature on the set list.
AViVA would be next on stage, ready to take the night to the next level with the first half of their visceral emotionally charged stage show. Next, a brief theatrical interlude from Brendan Urie. After PATD finish up with my most recent fave ‘Death of a Bachelor’ (in which Frankie Sinatra himself pops in for the finale) the arena (yep we’re in an arena now folks) goes black for the beginning of Tyler and Joseph’s guest feature. It’s a mashup between ‘Heavy Dirty Soul’ and ‘Car Radio’ and by the end, nobody is ever going to see life the same. After TØP leave the stage in a frenzy of stones and static AViVA are back again to take over the rest of the night with their second set featuring guest performers like NF and Lynne from PVRIS.
I think ending on a strong note is integral to any show- especially one that is touted as being “ a musical catharsis healing the world through the power of sound and motion”… so I’ll leave that final touch up to you.

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