In this Tour Tips segment, the rock band, Babes, shares their tips for touring. You can check out the feature, after the break.

In this Tour Tips segment, the rock band, Babes, shares their tips for touring. You can check out the feature, after the break.
Peak around corners. Sneak around halls. Slip in and out of doors. Be super stealthy Give people the impression that you are everywhere while at the same time never allowing them to zero in on where you are or who you are.
Keep a blow-up doll with a jacket and ski mask holding a sword in your van at night. When crossing borders or going into new countries, put your prettiest band member in the drivers seat. Ugly drunk guys in the back. Carry knives and a hatchet and whenever you show up to a new place wave these blades around so this is the first impression you make.
Learn the traits of a demon and how to spot them. They look just like everyone else but have extremely distinguishable attributes You can party with a demon as long as you know what you are dealing with, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Demon recognizes demon.
Fight the urge to collect every rock you see
Stick to grabbing only the ones you must, must have. One week on the road will have the rocks taking up a whole bench seat and start to upset everyone else
At the venue ask for a bottle of booze. Whatever is your preference. Take that outside into your van, then go back inside and ask for another as if it were the first bottle. At the end of the show, clear out the whole green room including but not limited to drinks, food, stationary, towels, pillows, the mini monster energy refrigerator and on and on.
Pull some curly sue’s.
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