Bahari – TOUR TIPS
In this Tour Tips segment, the indie pop band, Bahari, give you their tips for being on tour.

In this Tour Tips segment, the indie pop band, Bahari, give you their tips for being on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.
1. Bring a pillow
The most important tour tip is to respect your sleep needs and try to get as much sleep as you can. if you have your own pillow you can nap whenever you need to, on the airport floor or at a Dennys. It also kind of makes you feel like you have a real bed sometimes.
2. Try and eat as Healthy as possible
Finding healthy food is almost impossible on tour, its usually gas station food or whatever you can find. So whatever healthy food you can find, cherish it.
3. Bring Throat Coat Tea and Cough Drops
Being sick on tour really sucks. When you’re singing every night and not resting, losing your voice is hard to avoid but do as much as you can to look after your throat. Singing when you’ve lost your voice isn’t ideal.
4. Bring extra socks (they disappear)
There is a sock monster in every venue or hotel washing machine. Not to mention your band will definitely steal socks. So bring as many as you can.
5. Bring as little as you can
Only pack what you need, anything extra you will end up hating because you have to carry it with you everywhere, in and out of venues, hotels, airports, festivals. Make sure you have a good suitcase, once one of ours broke and we had to carry our stuff around in trash bags for a month so be prepared.