In this Preshow Rituals segment, the metal band, Battlecross, share what they do before every show. You can check out their rituals, after the break.

In this Preshow Rituals segment, the metal band, Battlecross, share what they do before every show. You can check out their rituals, after the break.
I see a lot of bands have very specific rituals, ones that entail group hugs, battle cries, or long chants not unlike you see from a football team. There’s a lot to be said about warming up before hitting the stage. Every band has their own style, and if it works, more power to them.
However, we’re not as “intense” as other bands. Most of us will stretch out the legs and back, getting nice and limber before we start running around like crazy. Also neck stretches help tremendously, considering the amount of head banging we do. You’d swear our hair was on fire. You’ll see Alex over in a corner with his practice pads, kicking and hitting away to a click track. Tony and Hiran with their axes, running through solos or riffs. Kyle will pace back and forth, usually in search of water and uttering the occasional growl or scream just to test out the ol’ vocal cords. Me? Guess I’m a touch of an odd ball. I’ll occasionally pace, but I like to just lean against a wall, do a couple stretches, and nurse a few beers. I leave my bass until it’s showtime. I like hitting the stage stone-cold, mentally vacant. Over-thinking can kill a vibe. I’d much rather just get up and rock a crowd, feeding off their vibes.
That can all change with different venues, mind you. Huge festival dates can be a bit nerve wracking. On those days, you’ll see an extra beer in hand and just maybe – just maybe – I’ll hammer out a few choice scales on the bass guitar for warm up. It’s rare, but it’s a good way to get rid of the butterflies. All in all, nothing really special. as far as rituals. Just smiles, stretches, and the unrelenting urge to get out there and melt some faces!