Battlecross – TOUR TIPS
This new set of Tour Tips were written by Don Slater of the Metal Blade Records band, Battlecross! You can check out their five tips, plus a few bonus tips, after the break.

This new set of Tour Tips were written by Don Slater of the Metal Blade Records band, Battlecross! You can check out their five tips, plus a few bonus tips, after the break.
1. A Clean Band is a Happy Band: It’s no surprise that if the environment around you is clean, you and everyone around you will be more apt to pleasantries. I’m not saying go OCD and stop at every Flying J for a quickie; that’ll get expensive real quick. Just make a good habit to wash up whenever possible. Brush teeth. Slather deodorant. You want to attract fans, not flies.
2. A Healthy Band is an even Happier Band: Someone go out and get a Sam’s Club or Costco card. Eating healthy is important, and it doesn’t have to hit hard on the wallet either. Granted, it isn’t always convenient, especially when cold weather hits, but try to cook out as often as you can. You’ll feel better and look better too!
3. Shoes OFF: If you’re vanned like us, buy a shoe rack. No one likes to wake up with a face full of dirt or worse, someone gets in with gum stuck to their shoe and steps on your one and only pillow. Worse still is if you lay your head down without noticing said gum.
4. Feeling cranky? Save it.: So you’re having a bad day. You woke up and hated everything around you. That kind of feeling can make for great song writing, but seriously sucks for friend making. There’s a lot of downtime between gigs, and even at the venues you’ll have lots of time to burn, so don’t spend that time burning bridges. Make yourself scarce if you must. If anyone asks, just tell them you were feeling a bit “off” that day. We’ll understand.
5. Associate Yourself with the Crew: Be they engineers, technicians, drivers, roadies, whatever; have a chat with them from time to time. You’ll find a huge assortment of personalities and experiences just by introducing yourself. You just might learn from someone else’s mistakes!
6. Bring Phone Chargers, Books, Portable Gaming Devices, Laptops, Q-Tips, and Anything Else You Can Think Of:Seriously. Fortune favors the prepared.
7. Bring Climate- and Weather-Appropriate Gear/Clothing: Don’t be that guy. Be smart. Momma isn’t gonna be around to dress you or warm your hands by breathing on them. Ask your band mates to do that, and you’ll end up in a much worse position.