Blowsight – TOUR TIPS
This new set of Tour Tips was written by the guitarist, Seb, of the rock band, Blowsight. You can check out their tips for being on the road, after the break.

This new set of Tour Tips was written by the guitarist, Seb, of the rock band, Blowsight. You can check out their tips for being on the road, after the break.
1. Always have your passport when touring Europe.
2. Bring your own entertainment. Tablet or laptop with tons of movies and games. (Share movies with each other or watch them together).
3. Have your own Internet service provider, cause Internet on tour sucks!!! Everyone and their mother will try to connect to a crappy old router that is attached to the Internet by a thread of snot.
4. If you are a singer don’t leave home without vocal zone. That shit just works. Make sure to bring enough for the whole tour!
5. If you’re not a singer bring a kit of medicine that will prevent or take you out of a cold or any illness you may get on tour. If you are a singer bring twice as much. : D
6. Bring your own pillow. Pillows in hotels or night liners are usually just a huge soft sack of air. If you have a tiny head you will suffocate and die. : P
7. Never leave your personal stuff or gear unattended. They will be stolen! Specially if you’re in Czech Republic.
8. Not all people speak English! Learning all the languages in Europe will definitely be an over achievement.
9. Never buy liquids on tour! They will be provided for you. ; D
10. Use your “dead time” wisely. Sitting around drinking beer will not make you hotter!
Keep up with Blowsight on Facebook and Twitter!
Do you think these tips would be useful while on the road? Let us know in the comments below!