brokeNCYDE – 1st ROAD BLOG from 2013 European Tour with Millionaires
The crunkcore band, brokeNCYDE, is currently on a European tour with Millionaires. While they’re on this tour, the band’s singer, Mikl Shea, will be writing an exclusive blog (with photos) for us. You can check out the first entry, after…

The crunkcore band, brokeNCYDE, is currently on a European tour with Millionaires. While they’re on this tour, the band’s singer, Mikl Shea, will be writing an exclusive blog (with photos) for us. You can check out the first entry, after the break.
It’s Sunday May 19th & the BC boys have arrived to our good ole, Albuquerque International Airport! Another beautiful clear day & were off to Chicago, but first some Baskin Robbins is needed before we board. Besides the few roller coaster drops from turbulence, babies crying and warm Dr Pepper, we safely made it to Chicago. Now for a 2 hour delay.
McDonald’s was the choice of food for our short stay in Chi-Town. McDoubles with Mac sauce, you can never go wrong with that. A short phone charge and quick boarding process, we’re finally off to Manchester. It’s going to be a packed 7 hour journey of sitting in a plane while people drool on you as their head nods in and out of sleep.
We finally made it to Manchester after a long wait with border issues. We finally get threw and find all of our luggage alone, which made things easier. Now the rest of the day may start. We hit the venue with the ladies in the Millionaires for load in and sound check. Let the fun times begin.
After a sound check the fun begins! Doors open for the first show and the line is let in. We’re backstage getting ready, stretching, having a couple glasses of milk and end with some yoga before we go on stage… Actually we are backstage having a couple cups in hand of drinks and a little bit of smoke fills the fresh Manchester air.
Millionaires hit the stage and we watched from side stage for a bit. We begin to prep ourselves to hit the stage and were anxious as it has been awhile! Time flies and here we go; intro is about to hit! BOOM it was a good way to come back; Manchester turned out to be a fun first show. A few shows in and it’s a blessing to be back having fun with our fans. It’s Wednesday Hump-day, so that means we’re in Stoke, which was a tad bit nippy. It ended up being a fantastic show, such an energetic crowd that we hope to return to!
We wake up and head to a place called, Lil Chefs, which was kinda of like a Denny’s, but not to shabby for a breakfast meal. Off we go and an hour into the drive, Thirsty Thursday kicks in and a rain hits (see picture 4) heading to Norwich, which turned out to be an awesome and energetic crowd! We have finally hit the end of our UK dates once we finish this show in London.
It’s a rainy day, but a ton of life going on none the less. Before we load in, we walk around London and grab some food at a diner that was awesome and headed back to a pub as we wait for the doors to open. We can feel tonight was going to wild and yes it was. The opening act was an act if females that shot sparks from their crotches and blew fire! Got us super pumped for our set. Millionaires got the party started right after that. Then the crowd was ready for some BC13!
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Keep up with the band on Facebook and Twitter! Also, make sure you check out Mikl on Twitter!
Did you enjoy this blog? Are you planning on going to any dates of this tour? Let us know in the comments below!