Brooke Williams – FIRST CONCERT EVER

In this First Concert Ever segment, the singer-songwriter, Brooke Williams, talks about her first concert ever.

Brooke Williams – FIRST CONCERT EVER

In this First Concert Ever segment, the singer-songwriter, Brooke Williams, talks about her first concert ever. You can check out the feature, after the break.

My first concert ever was Britney Spears when I was 10 years old. I went with my friend Kailey and we wrote Britney’s name in glitter down our arms and wore matching halter tops. I don’t know if I had ever been so excited for anything in my whole ten years of life.
We had close seats so we were screaming her name so loud, probably in someone’s ear in front of us. She waved at us and I think we both just went into shock and then started jumping and screaming again.
I remember thinking that I wish I had written her songs and the next day I wrote one of the first pop songs I’d ever written. It was called “Dream Street”. It was so cheesy but I’m definitely glad I still remember it. I also do a pretty great Britney Spears singing impression so you can tell she had quite the impact on me. Best. First. Concert. Ever.

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