Brutalligators - FIRST CONCERT EVER
Join us as Brutalligators' Luke Murphy shares the story of his first concert.

In this First Concert Ever segment, Luke Murphy, singer of the indie-punk band, Brutalligators, talks about the story of their first experience with live music. You can check out the story below:
At the ripe age of 13, the first-ever concert I went to was an all-ages show at the Police Youth Club in Parramatta, in Sydney’s western suburbs. I’d probably only just bought my first-ever CD, and I remember hearing on the radio that Jebediah, an amazing Western Australian indie band, were playing a show. After begging my mum to let me go, I remember spending way too long trying to decide what to wear and then embarrassingly practicing how to ‘mosh’ in the living room. It was the basis for teasing from my sisters for years after.
When I walked in, I remember thinking, “What the hell is this?” The support band, an up-and-coming band called Something For Kate, who later went on to be a huge top-40 artist in Australia, were playing, and there was this crush of bodies at the front of the stage. I dove in and never looked back.
It was a pretty formative experience. Not only were Jebediah one of the best bands I would see for decades after, but it was like all the weird kids like me were pooled together in a single place, and it was magical. Band t-shirts, piercings, and spiky hair in weird colors were all over the place. I even discovered a few kids in higher years than me at school there who would end up introducing me to the bands that would change my world, like Frenzal Rhomb, The Ataris, and Unwritten Law.
Jebediah are still a band I throw on today, and as soon as I hear the guitar riff in "Teflon," I’m immediately transported back to my 13-year-old self, all curtain-hair, chubby cheeks, and baggy Bugs Bunny t-shirt (I was cool af, obviously). It’s pretty hard to replicate that electric, naive energy.