In this Preshow Rituals segment, the singer songwriter, Bryan McPherson, shares what he does before every show. You can check out his rituals, after the break.

In this Preshow Rituals segment, the singer songwriter, Bryan McPherson, shares what he does before every show. You can check out his rituals, after the break.
I do have a pre-show ritual. Some people know this but before every show I have to listen to “Lose Yourself” by Eminem. I started doing it a decade ago and it got me fired up and now I have to listen to it before every gig or else it ends up being a rough show. For some reason I have so much history with that song at this point that it conjures up a lot of memories of my journey as an artist and because I have listened to it at almost EVERY show I have played in the last 10 years it helps to get me in the zone. Sometimes you might see me at a loud gig with my phone next to my ear, more than likely I am not having a conversation but am listening to this song.
Then I do some meditation to clear my mind and to set my intentions and goals that I hope to achieve with the audience. Every night is different. I have played to 6,000 people and 6 people and I still have the same goals and hopes. A good time is had by all and we are all appreciative. Audience and artist. I hope to make a positive impact on peoples’ lives and if just one person is there and the performance helps them down the road then its a job well done.
The last thing I do is give 110% and play the best show as possible!