In this Preshow Rituals segment, the pop band, Capitano, share what they do before every show.


In this Preshow Rituals segment, the pop band, Capitano, share what they do before every show. You can check out their rituals, after the break.

There’s something about Capitano that is not necessarily a preshow thing, but more of a general weirdness.
Usually, there’s a lot of small talk among bands backstage. You can’t really have that with us. As soon as we enter the room, the small talk just dies out. It’s not that we are unfriendly or anything, just very socially awkward. Enough to make other bands sometimes feel uncomfortable.
Of course, the outfits are playing a part in that. Most days there is not a lot of time for make-up and wardrobe. So we rush in, drop everything exactly where we stand, undress and start smearing really thick make-up in each other’s faces. No hello, no introduction. That’s already a little weird.
Then again, everyone in Capitano has his personal quirks. Dyve is sunbathing wherever he can. In total silence, with a total bitchface. He’s got these weird warm-up moves he does sometimes. Whatever it is he does, he is never fully clothed at any time, except the fact that he always wears two pairs of socks (who does that?).
Fuzz has this very peculiar obsession with concert flyers. He wanders about all the dark corners of the venue looking for a new flyer fix. He is one of the silent weirdos in the band as well, but does most of the organizational part, too. So he is either too busy or too phased out by flyers to talk to you.
I mostly seek ways to get my adrenaline pumping. Boxing exercises, screaming, hitting myself, dancing for no apparent reason. It might look a little aggressive although it’s not. I guess the part where I’m a 260lbs bearded guy in a feather mask and fur jacket, hitting himself all while singing George Michael songs might be a little off-putting to some.
Mikael is definitely the exception to the rule. He is extremely communicative and flirty with just about ANYONE and doesn’t stop cracking really bad puns. He is a fun guy, who is always in a peachy mood. But in combination with the rest of us, that too becomes absurd and creepy. So I guess our preparation for shows is unsettling everyone else. For our own comfort.

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