In this First Concert Ever segment, the electro-pop artist, CAPPA, shares the story of the first show she went to growing up.

In this First Concert Ever segment, the electro-pop artist, CAPPA, shares the story of the first show she went to growing up. You can check out her story and listen to her newest single, “Tension”, after the break.
So there were two “first concerts I ever went to.” I’m not sure if this is allowed but I am counting two of them. The first one was 98 degrees. That’s kind of why I feel like it doesn’t count. My parents took me and I wore a crop top and I was 12. I only knew one song and I don’t remember how it goes now.
The second first concert I ever went to was From First to Last. Some may know that band from the myspace/warped tour days…but let me just tell ya, I was obsessed. They wore black eyeliner and the skinniest skinny jeans I’ve ever seen and I loved it. The singer of the band, Sonny Moore, now goes by Skrillex (who is also one of my favorite producers/djs).
Ok, so THE SHOW. I was in 8th grade and living outside of Philly and they were playing at one of my favorite venues called the TLA. Honestly, I think it was cool of my parents to drop me off at a show in a city where everyone was wearing all black with black eyeliner while I was in 8th grade. I don’t think I am going to let my child go anywhere in 8th grade. Anyways, I still remember it being one of the best shows of all time, and the lead singer of “He is Legend” came out on stage and sang a couple of songs with them. Some random kid in the crowd kissed me on the lips aka my second kiss ever which is why it definitely be out 98 degrees.