Captain Dipper & The Strawberry Girl – DREAM TOUR
In this Dream Tour segment, the folk pop band, Captain Dipper & The Strawberry Girl, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.

In this Dream Tour segment, the folk pop band, Captain Dipper & The Strawberry Girl, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.
VIAN: I would love to tour with Coldplay. They are a big influence on how I create music and their live show is incredible. Though I haven’t personally been on a global tour I’ve had the chance to travel a lot for music. After I finished school I opened a studio on Music Row in Nashville and I’ve been working full-time as a producer for the last two years. It’s been an absolute blast. I’ve had the opportunity to work on some major label projects and even got to travel to Europe a few times to produce groups over there. Though I wasn’t ‘touring’ as an artist I was sleeping in a different town and working in a different studio every few nights. My favorite location to go work is Bruges, Belgium. It’s a beautiful town and there is a world-class studio called Globe Studios hidden away in the rustic setting. I’ve also traveled to Germany a couple of times in the last year to write music. Dusseldorf is a great town with major talent. All this to say, I love traveling and I travel for music all the time but up until now it’s been behind the scenes work; Songwriting. Recording. Producing. My hope with Captain Dipper & The Strawberry Girl is to continue releasing captivating music, getting TV licensing deals, and eventually play some shows…. Perhaps one day with Coldplay…
ELIZA: Well I was born in Belgium and raised in Germany so I’ve seen my fair share of traveling as well. After finishing high school in Germany I moved to Hawaii for six months and experienced island life. Eventually, I moved to Nashville and met Vian at University. I’m a big fan of Oh Wonder and would love to tour with them. I studied theater directing and now manage a historic walking tour company in Nashville called Echoes of Nashville. Whenever I write a song or melody idea I’ll go to the studio to record. Regardless of who we tour with my main concern is our new puppy so our tour would be a very puppy oriented tour. Lots of dog park stops and puppy cuddling. But in short, Oh Wonder would be great and I’m sure they would be understanding concerning the puppy.
VIAN: All in all we love creating music. The wonderful thing today is we can share that music digitally before we meet fans in person. A few weeks ago one of our songs charted in Brazil on Spotify’s Top 50 Viral Charts. We were so excited to see our song climb all the way to #2. Since then we’ve gotten so many messages through our social media from Brazil. We would have never been able to share our music with that group of people if it wasn’t for our digital marketing. So regardless of who we tour with our next tour may be a Brazilian one.
ELIZA: It’s been exciting to see people respond to the music. Our first EP that we released over a year ago was heard by music supervisors who put our song in a show on ABC Family called Switched at Birth. This was wonderful as it affirmed that our songs connected with people. Since that first release we moved in together and got engaged so we were a bit quiet but recently we decided to start sharing that first EP. After sharing it online for a month one of our songs went viral like Vian said. This got us excited so we went back into the studio and recorded two of our favorite songs of all time; Heroes by David Bowie and L-O-V-E originally performed by Nat King Cole. We can’t wait to see what our fans think of these two songs and we are looking forward to creating more original music soon!
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