In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the indie rock band, Caveman, talk about one of their crazy moments from touring. You can check out the feature, after the break.


In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the indie rock band, Caveman, talk about one of their crazy moments from touring. You can check out the feature, after the break.

A wild story that we have from one of our tours was back in the day we went on tour with Ra Ra Riot. It started in Denver and we knew we all lived in New York but didn’t know each other well before the first show. About a week into the trip we started getting to know each other but weren’t really buddies yet.

We would, however, all enjoy playing games of ping pong on a ping pong table that was gifted to them from some company. The table would usually be in the back yard of the venues or in the green room.

A few days later we get to Tucson Arizona. At this point, we were getting close enough where we would hang in the same green room and started memorizing each other’s names.

At this show, we couldn’t find any of our alcohol which was on our rider. We did, however, see an unopened bottle of Patron. Our guitar player jimmy and I were the only ones in the green room and figured, we were close enough with Ra Ra Riot at this point they won’t mind if we have some. So we start to open it but get nervous. We decide to take some sips and close it perfectly so it looks like it was never opened.

We were so excited about our accomplishment that we started wrestling for some reason. We eventually trip on something and crash through the ping pong table and completely destroyed it.

Once we realize what we did and looking at all the pieces of wood scattered around the green room, we tried to figure out how to tell them about what we just did. I had remembered a security guard about an hour earlier said that a crazed man ran in the back and they had to kick him out, so I figured “hey, let’s blame it on the crazed man!”

But in the end, we just decided to tell them the truth and they thought it was hysterical. After that, we were partying together the rest of the tour.

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