Cavo – TOUR TIPS (Part 2)

In this Tour Tips segment, the rock band, Cavo, give you their tips for being on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.

Cavo – TOUR TIPS (Part 2)

In this Tour Tips segment, the rock band, Cavo, give you their tips for being on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.

Words of Wisdom Part Duex
Rules to live by: While touring on a bus

Funny how things change once you move from the van to the bus.

Amendment #1
Bunk curtains do not make your bunk sound proof, movies, snoring, farting and other extracurricular activities can be heard by all and is best not to do them at loud volumes when others are on the bus or trying to sleep. Unless you just don’t care and at that point you’re just a douche!

Amendment #2
Yes, that’s a toilet but it doesn’t mean to stock up on Slim Jim’s and other horrible gas station foods because it’s not too used in that fashion. Seems strange I know but it’s like going to a strip club. You get to see women half naked all night but you cannot touch nor have sex with them. There is no sex in the champagne room and well you guessed it, no crapping on the bus.

Amendment #3
Having a bit too much to drink…..its okay, you have a driver. Have the spins?? Well hang your leg off the bed and touch the ground…..wait, I’m in the top bunk, my leg is hanging in the air as the room/bus spins around and around while moving. Yep, that’s right now you’re feeling like you have to puke…..wait, no way, what do you mean I can’t pray to the porcelain goddess. It’s a toilet isn’t it?? Read Amendment #2? Are you serious, that too! Well hand me that bag, I’ll throw it out at the next gas station.

Amendment #4
Even if it seems really funny, sneaking up behind the bus driver and screaming at the top of your lungs at 4 am is not a good idea. Amendment #2 is null and void, everyone tends to crap their pants when the bus driver screams and swerves a bit. If Rusty was a cat, he just lost 4 lives right there.

Amendment #5
If your shoes smell worse than death itself, why not leave them at home. We know we are family but come on, no need to share your stench with the entire bus. You know they smell and so do we, do we really need to say something to you?

Amendment #6
Showers are necessary!! Never pass up a chance to take a shower. If you are on your second day with no shower please know that you stink. Hello, close quarters here. Why do we keep spraying Febreze every time you pass…..hmmm let’s see here…..umm it’s because you stink you ass!!!!

Amendment #7
If you beg a band mate to go to a bar with you, you should never leave them in a bar in a town where they know no one. If someone does leave a band mate, retaliation should be swift and just but the punishment should fit the crime. In short, never leave a man behind!!!

Amendment #8
Stock up on candy bars, granola bars etc…. Catering is awesome but sometimes you might miss dinner especially if you are at the gym before the show. What’s my point here….wait for it. Supply and Demand baby, that’s right, a candy bar that normal cost .99 cents can go as high as $3 or $4 dollars when hunger strikes! A .99 cent bag of chips well at 4 am while driving down the highway, hitting White Castle drive-thru is not gonna happen, can you say $5 dollars. At this rate, my daughter’s college education will be paid for before this tour is even over and with the interest of sitting in the bank for several years a second home by the beach!

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