Charming Liars – PRESHOW RITUALS

In this Preshow Rituals segment, the alternative band, Charming Liars, share what they do before every show.

Charming Liars – PRESHOW RITUALS
Charming Liars, Photo by Catie Laffoon

In this Preshow Rituals segment, the alternative band, Charming Liars, share what they do before every show. You can check out their rituals, after the break.

Depending on the size of the venue after load in and soundcheck we usually have a few hours to kill before show time. I personally love to fill that time with anything that doesn’t pertain to the show. It’s important for me to distract my mind otherwise I tend to overthink. Even in the middle of a tour with 15 dates down when everything has gone smoothly up to that point, if I start to think about the show before we play, I get tense. So for me, I usually read a bit to keep my mind occupied then grab a bite with the boys. When we get back I do some push ups and sit ups, then begin my vocal warm-ups while I get dressed. Right before they drop the house lights we huddle in a circle and say a few words then get out and do it.

Keep up with the band on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

(Photo credit: Catie Laffoon)

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