Circa Survive – TOUR TIPS

This set of Tour Tips comes from rock band, Circa Survive. The set of five tips was written by Brendan Ekstrom and we suggest reading these with a sense of humor. Brendan has some pretty funny stuff to suggest, so read his…

Circa Survive – TOUR TIPS

This set of Tour Tips comes from rock band, Circa Survive. The set of five tips was written by Brendan Ekstrom and we suggest reading these with a sense of humor. Brendan has some pretty funny stuff to suggest, so read his tips after the break.

1. This whole jerking off in a sock thing is creepy and unsanitary and socks, (clean socks) are way too important a form of currency on tour to just be cumming in.
2. Never get drunk enough that you forget who or where you are or everyone will forever think you are a fucking idiot and even though they pretend like it’s all good, they will secretly wish you never found your way back to the band. Forever.
3. Don’t forget to stretch after you play. Not just before.
4. Always call your mom once a week and your girl or boyfriend at least twice a day. Do not call your ex-wife, unless she is late with child support.
5. Always carry a concealed weapon.

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