Cloud Castle Lake – PRESHOW RITUALS
In this Preshow Rituals segment, the alternative band, Cloud Castle Lake, share what they do before every show.

In this Preshow Rituals segment, the alternative band, Cloud Castle Lake, share what they do before every show. You can check out their rituals, after the break.
Over the years we’ve developed a kind of touring ‘law’ which is that a good soundcheck equals bad show, bad soundtrack equals great show. Though it definitely isn’t as black and white as this sounds, there is some truth in it. A bad soundcheck or a perhaps a day that doesn’t quite go according to plan, keeps us on our toes for the show. Those things keep us in the moment and focused on what we’re doing. If everything is too clean and orderly, the show might lack special musical energy. Our friends have asked us, “does this mean you might sabotage a soundcheck?” like the West Wing moment when Abbey Bartlett takes scissors to Jed’s neck-tie seconds before he takes the podium for the presidential debate to shake things up a little.
Another key ritual before a show is the post-soundcheck dinner. It’s important to take that hour or two for the band to be together over food and it’s a great way to relax and communicate with each other verbally again. A meal is a great way to rejuvenate from touring fatigues.
Other than that, if we’re too focused on pre-show rituals and getting the rituals right, we might forget to be in the present moment, and that’s the most important thing we need for performing music to an audience.