In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the alternative artist, Coleman Hell, talks about one of his crazy moments from touring. You can check out the feature, after the break.

In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the alternative artist, Coleman Hell, talks about one of his crazy moments from touring. You can check out the feature, after the break.
During one of the earlier shows, I thought it would be fun to invite some people on stage to come rock out with us during the encore. I assumed maybe 8 or 10 people from the front row would join me up there, however, this wasn’t the case. Instead, I had extended an open invite for the entire crowd to rush the stage. A bunch of sweaty drunk people came hurdling towards me and the band, trampling us and knocking over our instruments. It was pretty exhilarating. I lost my microphone so had to resort to keyboard solo-ing for the rest of the song.
Afterward, I was invited by a bunch of enthusiastic concertgoers to meet them at a local bar. Later I found out this bar was attached to our hotel. Everyone was buying me drinks which were a nice gesture but ultimately led to some poor decision-making. When the bar was about to close I decided to invite everyone back to our room to keep the party going. This was fun for about 5 seconds and then instantly got out of hand. Some random fights broke out and the cops showed up.
As you can imagine we were evicted from the room. We scrambled around trying to grab everything as we were being escorted out of the hotel. It was too late to find another room so we found an unassuming parking lot and spent the rest of our night in the comfort of our luxurious mini-van. The next morning we woke up to the sun pouring in through the windshield and started driving to the next show. I looked down and realized I’d forgotten something important in our hotel room last night; my shoes. This is now the first time I’ve had to walk into a shoe store wearing only my socks. I was the ideal footlocker customer, they knew they were gonna make the sale. If I learned anything from all of this, it was to always pack an extra pair of size-11s. Anything can happen live.
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