In this First Concert Ever segment, the pop artist, Colin Magalong, talks about his first concert ever.

Colin Magalong

In this First Concert Ever segment, the pop artist, Colin Magalong, talks about his first concert ever. You can check out the feature, after the break.

My first show was at ​Golden ​Gate ​Park in San Francisco for the ​Power to the ​Peaceful ​Festival. I was sixteen years old with a newly found appreciation for marijuana and California reggae music. I’m not sure which one came first.
It was an Indian summer Saturday​ and ​entry was free with the option to donate at the gate​. For a first-time concert goer, I don’t think the circumstances could have ​been any better. I sang and danced, got stoned on a hill, lost ​some of​ the friends I came with, smoked hookah with a young gypsy​ and then​ found the friends I came with​ again​. We then drank booze out of an​ Arrowhead water bottle that​ ​we had snuck in.
Power to the ​Peaceful was held annually (I’m not sure if they still throw it) on September 11th as a reminder that love is a much stronger force than hate. It’s funny to think that some of our most important lessons can come from outside of a classroom. That day in golden gate showed me a brief glimpse of what bliss truly is and why live music will never go away.

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