The Comedown – DREAM TOUR

In this Dream Tour segment, the R&B/rock band, The Comedown, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.

The Comedown – DREAM TOUR

In this Dream Tour segment, the R&B/rock band, The Comedown, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.

Justin Timberlake –
Chris (Singer):
I’ve idolized him ever since I was a little kid. I feel like he’s my biggest inspiration and the reason why I’m so comfortable on stage. His energy, presence, and performance are what I try my best to emulate.
The Weeknd –
Andy (Bass):
The diversity he’s shown from his first album to Beauty Behind The Madness shows how talented he really is. It would be insane to watch a performance like that every night. We draw a lot of influence from his Trilogy albums, so being a part of that tour would be unreal.
The Neighbourhood –
River (Guitar):
I never knew music like that existed until one of my ex-girlfriends made me go to one of their concerts a couple years ago. Honestly, not to sound dramatic, seeing them that night changed my life! It really inspired me to write the music we release as The Comedown. They’re one of my biggest influences when I sit down to write music. And their live show is amazing! They had really cool backdrops with projected videos, and it was one of the most vibey experiences of my life. So to tour with my biggest influence, and watch them every night would be insane.
Nirvana –
Blue (Guitar):
Because they rule.

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