In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the deathcore band, Cultists, shares one of their stories from being on the road.

In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the deathcore band, Cultists, shares one of their stories from being on the road. You can check out the story, after the break.
We haven’t really been on any big tours as of yet, but when we first started out as a band we did a little 3 show weekender which we considered to be our first little mini tour back in 2019. There were a couple of good moments along the way. Our first show on that run was in Port Kembla, a town just a little further south than Wollongong. Due to the excitement of going away for the weekend, we packed up the car and headed down in the morning, obviously then realising we had way too much time to kill once we had gotten there. The first thing that popped into mind was let’s go straight to the leagues club. After a few schoons and a session on blackjack we were fit and firing ready for the gig (after a kebab of course).
We rocked to the venue and it was this service station turned venue type arrangement with food trucks etc. it was super sick. We had a handball tournament going on outside with all the other bands that got really competitive and was very reminiscent of primary school. There was also a dog there. Just watching breakdowns in the pit? That night we made our way back up to Sydney and got about 30mins into the trip before deciding that we had travelled far enough and it was time to set up and have some more beers. We pulled off the road in some state forest, set up the swags, and got to work. When playing in Sydney the next day, after a little session of beers and a schnitty at Waverley bowling club, we had to essentially coerce our guitarist Izaac into playing that show because he was so hungover and spaced out from the night before. We had tactically positioned a bucket next to him on stage so he could use it if needed, luckily that wasn’t necessary.
We then played Newcastle after that, which to this day was the drunkest all of us had been on stage and we still managed to pull it all together and smashed out the set in fine form, ending the show with a huge stacks on Izaac mid-song with all the other band members/crowd attendees. Izaac bears the brunt of a lot of our shenanigans/jokes when at shows, in the studio, or basically just whenever we’re all together, someone’s gotta do it I suppose! Although it’s not necessarily a crazy tour story, it still is a wild time for us to look back on especially with the band being a little more older and more mature now (most of us), we definitely don’t get up to the same sort of shenanigans as we used before or during a show, so this weekender is definitely one of the more memorable times for us.