Daylight – TOUR TIPS
This new set of Tour Tips was written by the pop punk band, Daylight. You can check out their tips for being on the road, after the break.

This new set of Tour Tips was written by the pop punk band, Daylight. You can check out their tips for being on the road, after the break.
Hey guys! This year we had the chance to play in countries like China, Japan or Russia among many Euro Countries. It’s not easy to write down a tour 101. Every band is the world and has different ways of dealing with tour life. Here are our 7 tips!
1. ZERO PROBLEMS: While on tour all bands struggle through many situations. Money, constant cohabitation, and exhaustion may affect the relationship of bandmates. We’re all together with the same goal and trouble is avoidable. That’s why at the start of every tour, promise to ourselves to act as a team, come together in front of any issue, be decisive and respect each others thoughts. Sometimes when we go party, especially in Eastern Europe, there’s some drunken asshole looking to pick a fight. We’re the kind of band that steps back and leaves.
2. BE NICE TO EVERYONE: Promoters, audience, venue staff and local bands deserve a positive attitude (aka. A smile), gratitude (aka. Thank you!) and respect. The sound guy is the one who gets his fingers on your sound, don’t mess up with him. Just be nice to everyone, it will help people to remember your band as likable.
3. INTERNET: Get a worldwide working SIM Card! You’re going to need it. While on the road, networking, communication with promoters, friends and families is essential. You don’t want to wait to update band’s Instagram, facebook page and manage the e-mail until the next gas station or venue. From one device (iPad) we share internet to the whole crew. That definitely keeps a high mood. We got a 4G Euro-SIM card for 30€! Worth the money.
4. HOT FOOD, COLD BEER: Last tour we called it “Mc Tour 2015” because we visited more McDonalds than venues. Ask your agent or promoters to get you local food, preferably home cooking. It’s cheaper and tastier! Our favs? Italian Pasta Salad, Russian Solyanka & Japanese Noodles
We also like to drink local beer. Chinese and Russian beer is awful, Belgium beers are just heaven.
5. ECONOMY: Keep a strict accountancy of revenues (merch sales & fees) and note down expenses. Keep em as low as possible! A smart tour routing may save you a lot of money.
6. PIC OR DIDN’T HAPPEN: Take pictures of everywhere you go and film tour life, it’s great to put together all footage to release tour blogs and have stuff to upload when you’re not on tour anymore. If you can afford it, bring a decent photographer on tour, nowadays having a cool pic after a show is a great resource for the social spread of your band.
7. EARPLUGS: You don’t want to suffer deafness at the age of 35, right? You’re going to spend many hours in loud venues, listening to loads of opening acts soundcheck and perform theirs sets. During traveling hours, you’ll probably want to catch some sleep in the van while the drummer is listening to the latest Dream Theater album full blast. Get yourself some comfy earplugs, cheap ones, because you’re going to lose them anyway.
At the end, it’s all about using common sense and having as much fun as possible! Thanks for reading and enjoy tour life. :)
Keep up with Daylight on Twitter and Facebook!
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