In this First Concert Ever segment, the pop rock artist, Devin Kennedy, talks about his first concert ever.

devin kennedy

In this First Concert Ever segment, the pop rock artist, Devin Kennedy, talks about his first concert ever. You can check out the feature, after the break.

The first concert I ever attended was a Paul McCartney show at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, CA. My dad had groomed me for the event, as we used to blast all his favorite artists in the car when I was younger, McCartney included. He was excited that my first concert was a Beatle, so was I. The Staples Center is a huge venue, and it was beyond sold out. We had nosebleed seats. When I say nosebleeds, I mean we were literally in the last row. McCartney had such an amazing way of connecting with his audience whether they were in the first row or the last seat at the top of the stadium. I was happy because he played a few Beatles songs, but his closing tune is what really did it for me. He capped his two hour set with one of the most epic rock/soundtrack songs ever written, ‘Live And Let Die’. To this day one of my favorite songs ever written. That, with the addition of indoor fireworks pretty much blew my 6-year-old mind. It was inspiring.

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