In this Dream Tour segment, the singer-songwriter, DOMENICO, lets you know who he would like on his ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.

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In this Dream Tour segment, the singer-songwriter, DOMENICO, lets you know who he would like on his ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.

As a solo artist, I often envy those who have a band to perform and hang out with. So, please allow me to indulge. Here’s my ideal lineup of stars to keep me company… on and off stage.
This man is an enigma, with a DOPE stage name. His work on Jay Z’s The Blueprint has me speechless to this day. In my opinion, he’s, by all means, the Godfather of modern east coast hip-hop production. Why not cultivate that reputation on some pop/R&B records? Hopefully, he would be able to make the snares and kicks on my records bump as hard as they do on classics like “You Don’t Know” and “Song Cry.” One can only speculate… possibly give me some beat-making tips backstage too.
KEYS: ALICIA KEYS (no pun intended)
I was four years old when “You Don’t Know My Name” dropped. Since then, I’ve been hooked by her ability to latch onto old-school soul vibes with modern production. On top of that, every cover band I’ve been in (there have been many) has unsuccessfully performed “If I Ain’t Got You.” Maybe I’ll get a chance to do it right with her leading the way. I would love to have her sing backup vocals too, but I fear her outshining me.
Sir Paul would be a great contrast to the two previous industry titans. His live performance experience and melodic wisdom would… well… come in handy. He’s also widely regarded as the best bass player in contemporary popular music. When I listen to old Beatle records such as “Paperback Writer” and “I’ve Got a Feeling,” the bass strikes me before anything else, even lead vocals. I need someone like that to help carry a show. His signature charm and crowd work would also take the pressure off…
Do I have to explain this one?

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