Egypt Central – TOUR TIPS

Alternative rock band, Egypt Central, have written a set of helpful Tour Tips for you guys to learn from. You can check them out after the break.

Egypt Central – TOUR TIPS

Alternative rock band, Egypt Central, have written a set of helpful Tour Tips for you guys to learn from. You can check them out after the break.

1. Learn to live without socks.
2. Learn not to drink and wet the bed. It really changes the atmosphere in a negative way.
3. NEVER SHIT ON A BUS. Scooping that out with paper towels is a horrible ordeal.
4. Don’t make a pack not to do drugs this next tour. You’re bound to fail. Say lets try really hard not to get as messed up as last year.
5. Baby wipes. When you need them, you’ll know what I mean.

Make sure to check out Egypt Central on Facebook, Twitter and Myspace.

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