In this First Concert Ever segment, the metalcore band, Eight Gates, talks about the story of their first experiences with live music.

In this First Concert Ever segment, the metalcore band, Eight Gates, talks about the story of their first experiences with live music. You can check out the story, after the break.
Aaron: For my first concert I went to see The Devil Wears Prada, The Ghost Inside, Volumes, and Texas in July in New Orleans when I was 14. My dad surprised me with the tickets and took me because The Devil Wears Prada was my favorite band. During the first song of Texas in July’s set, my dad got kicked in the balls. I thought the band was insane and the atmosphere was the coolest thing I had ever seen. I was always into heavy music growing up, but seeing that band and the vibe of the entire show I just knew that I needed to play this kind of music and play this venue one day. For that reason that is my favorite show, I’ve ever been to.
Eddie: My first concert was in 2010 when For Today was on tour with Texas In July, I think it was Hundredth, A Plea for Purging, and I forgot the other cool headliner. So the first band I ever saw live ever in my life was Texas In July and they played 1000 Lies and that blew me away bro. Let me tell you, they started moshing and I had never seen this before and I just shit my pants. I was so scared that I went to the balcony to watch the rest of the show. I wasn’t expecting any of that. I started off playing guitar but eventually moved to drums and that’s how I started my musical endeavors.
Kaelan: So the first concert I went to was The House Party Tour in 2013 with The Wonder Years, Pierce the Veil, All Time Low, and A Day to Remember which was funny because growing up in Virginia we didn’t really get tours, but I was really new to the scene and didn’t realize how momentous that lineup was or how rare it was for bands like that to come through my city. But that was definitely one of the best shows I think I’ve still ever been to. Just like everything that was going on was insane. Like production-wise, this was an arena tour for A Day to Remember so they had like an entire house set up on stage and they would stand on the garage and play guitar and stuff. It was just really cool to see a metalcore band have that kind of production value in their live set. Pierce the Veil was probably the band that made me want to pursue that kind of music. But honestly what made me realize I wanted to was the music video for their song Hell Above.
Taylor: My first concert was in 7th grade. I convinced my mom to let me go see Avenged Sevenfold, Bullet for my Valentine, and Three Days Grace. At the time when I was like 12 years old or some shit, those were like the 3 big dogs that I listened to every single day so it was a big deal for me. When I saw Bullet for my Valentine and saw their stage presence I was like “that is exactly what I wanna do for my whole life.” Then seeing Avenged Sevenfold’s stage production was unbelievable cause they would change all their props on the set and it would all add to the mood of their set. At one point they had a guy up on top of the rafters of the stage and I was looking at it like “what the fucks going on?” This was before they opened with Nightmare and he put something around his neck and he jumped off the rafter and they made it look like this guy just straight up hung himself for the song and it was the weirdest shit I’ve ever seen especially at 12 years old.