Join us as Ella Collier reveals what she does before taking the stage.

In this Preshow Rituals segment, the pop artist, Ella Collier, reveals what she does before taking the stage. You can check out the rituals below:
Before shows I try to make my days the chillest possible. I stay very hydrated and am listening to healing frequencies all day. I also try to get a meditation in. I always warm up with my vocal coach a few hours before so I feel prepped and ready for the show. I write out our setlist in sharpie on neon pieces of paper! I also eat pretty healthy & clean so I can have the energy and clarity to perform at my highest. I always have my parents at my big shows, and it feels like a family affair. I am so thankful to have the family & band to create such contagious energy.
I always make my band do Rose & Thorn, Rose being the highlight or best part of your day, & Thorn being the not-so-good part. It's a way for us to ground ourselves and let go of the nerves, and get to know where everybody's head is at at the start of rehearsals and especially at the start of the show. I really feel like it helps us connect and play better together, plus it brings back the inner child simplicity we all need when we are working so hard. We do this at the start of every rehearsal and at the start of soundcheck as well!
Before my band & I hit the stage, I always get us to take some deep grounding breaths. We then do the pre-theater ritual, which I learned in musical theater, which is the 12345678 method. We count up to 8 shaking out our right hand, left hand, then right leg & left leg in a circle, then count down until we are all shaking our bones in a circle. It's fun and connects us.
Then we link arms and shoulders and pray. I'm big on that spiritual grounding because we are about to give the crowd a spiritual experience. We do the classic hands-in, yell whatever we want, & hit the stage! It's what we have been doing for years & I love it.
Keep up with Ellq Collier on her website, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.