In this First Concert Ever segment, the singer-songwriter, Emily James, talks about her first concert ever.


In this First Concert Ever segment, the singer-songwriter, Emily James, talks about her first concert ever. You can check out the feature, after the break.

The first concert I ever went to was a Stevie Wonder concert. I’m sure you would all be very excited to read my account of Mr. Wonder’s spectacular performance, and I’m quite certain that his music has had a lasting impact on me. However, because I was only four or five, I don’t remember the majority of that show. So instead, I’m going to take you on a ride back with me to the first concert I do remember. And that, my friends, is One Direction.
It was a hot New York day in August (actually the concert was in New Jersey but that just doesn’t sound as romantic) and my mom drove me and my best friend to the Izod Center in East Rutherford, NJ. We made our own matching tank tops, which we were extremely proud of even when the letters started to fall off and it just read “ON DI EC ION.” We also made a killer sign that we were sure the band would spot even from 40 rows back and they would, of course, want to bring us up on stage.
We waited in anticipation for the boys to come out and when the lights dimmed, we were engulfed by the screams of 19,000 other middle-school girls. We sang, we danced, we cried, and it was one of the best nights of my entire 7th grade. I can’t truthfully say that the One Direction mania infected me for much longer past that, as I soon graduated on to other bands. However, having had that past love for One Direction, I now feel a weird sense of pride for the boys as they each pursue their individual careers in the industry. It’s really cool to see how they have all found their own sound and distinct voice. I’m excited to watch each of them continue to grow and develop, and I hope that one day I can thank them for making the first concert I remember so memorable.

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