This crazy story from the road was written by the hardcore band, Enabler. You can check out the band’s story, after the break.

This crazy story from the road was written by the hardcore band, Enabler. You can check out the band’s story, after the break.
One fond memory I have of a tour we did with Black Breath, Martyrdod, and Burning Love is when Chris Collohan from Burning Love took a shower backstage in the middle of their set. We were in Houston, Enabler had just got done playing and I was in the green room which was on the complete other side of the building, I had just got out of the shower and was cooling down right after our set. Burning Love went on right after us, and in the middle of their set during the song “12:31”, all of a sudden Chris appears in the backstage, takes his clothes off, jumps in the shower, rinses off then runs back on stage not missing a beat of their set while drying off on stage. The audience was utterly confused.
Keep up with Enabler on Twitter and Facebook!
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