Fall To June – TOUR TIPS
This new set of Tour Tips was written by Ben Badger, of the rock band, Fall To June. You can check out their tips for being on the road, after the break.

This new set of Tour Tips was written by Ben Badger, of the rock band, Fall To June. You can check out their tips for being on the road, after the break.
1. Say you are driving through the Texas desert at 3am and that last cup of coffee finally hits your bowels and the only gas station for 200 miles is closed. Bet you wish there were some facilities available! If only you had a 5 gallon bucket, a trash bag, and a pool noodle to wrap around the rim of the bucket… boom, insta port-o-let.
2. Which brings me to my next tip… wet wipes, which are also good for a cowboy shower in case of vehicular BO.
3. Be conscientious about what is happening around you. Long and loud cell phone conversations are not for the van. One little annoyance when repeated over and over in such tight quarters can really set off a domino effect of negative energy, so make an effort to put the needs of everyone involved before your own.
4. Keep two bags of personal luggage, one main suitcase, but then keep a backpack with the essentials (toiletry bag, clean socks and shirt, etc.) for easier access on the road. You don’t want to have to dig through the trailer just to find that ONE thing in your suitcase.
5. Don’t be afraid to pack food to grill out at rest stops or camping areas! Not only does it save money and promote good bonding moments for the band, it is healthier than eating out! Good physical health is imperative for having energy out there, keeping good nutrition to avoid any flu or sickness, AND it will keep you more regular… so hopefully the bucket and pool noodle won’t have to make an appearance at 3am!