Fallstar – TOUR TIPS
Here is a new set of Tour Tips written by the Facedown Records hardcore/rock band, Fallstar! You can check out this five tips after the break.

Here is a new set of Tour Tips written by the Facedown Records hardcore/rock band, Fallstar! You can check out this five tips after the break.
1. Day and night always have a co-pilot while driving. Science says that if you keep your mouth moving you are less likely to fall asleep, so having an assigned somebody to talk to while you’re driving helps a lot. If you ignore this rule your driver will fall asleep and you will roll your van and you will die.
2. Bring big blankies and always try to fit everything else you need for tour in a big backpack. Anything else is usually extra and you’ll regret it. You don’t need a personal fan, 5 acoustic guitars, 8 books. And not even A SINGLE dress shirt. You’re on tour.
3. Tuna doesn’t taste great but it fills ya up and it’s cheap. Add mayo and relish from a gas station and smash some Ritz crackers up in the mix. The more you add the better it gets.
4. Sorry, you and everybody else is gonna smell awful. There will be more farts than you can handle, sweaty “show clothes” drying on sweaty bodies, tuna and McDonald’s breath, not to mention, “Sorry, I ran out of deodorant a week ago” pits. The sooner you accept it the better.
5. Be smart about how you route your tour, avoid anything over a 5 hour drive if you can. Get your guarantees (a guarantee means nothing less than the literal definition of guarantee), and have a freaking blast! You didn’t quit your job and drop out of college to be bummed out and stressing on the road.